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HTML Links - href & target attributes

We have discussed what links do

Links follow the HTTP protocol and directs the user to a desired location when clicked

Most html elements could be links - such as image a text or even a block. Most websites such as W3schools and codeacademy states that this is not possible, however it works fine

Here is an example of a link


The href is used to define the url

Let's take an image as an example

revise zone cover page

Links are a powerful tool in webpage and it is used to create navigation links and even awesome cool buttons. However, this requires CSS to style links to create cool buttons

The < is by default a inline element. So it has no particular dimension or size. For it to have a shape we need to define it as a block which we will see later

The Target attribute

Links have another attribute called the target attribute which defines how the file should be loaded. There are 5 methods of loading the file

target="_self" - this opens the document on the same tab. This is default

target="_blank" - this opens the document on a new tab.

target="_parent" - this opens the document on a parent tab. Just just above the iframe level.This is a bit difficult to understand but we will talk about it in the iframes chapter

target="_top" - this opens the document on a highest level tab. We will discuss it later

target="blank" - similar to _blank however it only opens a single blank and re uses it many times


We will give some example

This is _blank

This is _self

This is blank. Try clicking it many times to see the difference

There is also a 6th method which include iframes but we will discuss it later to avoid confusions

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