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Revise Zone by Wiscus is the largest learning platform which doesn't just provide a learning platform for Cambridge and GCSE subjects. We provide a learning platform for coding, web developement and SEO and many other important lessons. Revise Zone is free and always will be free! We are ranked number 1 for our accurate and precise notes and lessons! Want to donate? Go to our Donate page!

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We have many projects in line and we want to carry them out fast! But currently, we are still new and short of funds. But we won't give up!

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Revise Zone is a free online learning platform, aimed to help students all around the world. Revise Zone aims to support all types of learning for free of charge!


Revise Zone is owned by Wiscus and we are the largest learning platform in Sri Lanka for Cambridge Alevels, GCSE & Web development!

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